First Vegetables Planted On The Land!

Watch as we nosotros found onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden!  All plants started from seeds.  Follow forth with our Upstate journey here!

This weekend was very exciting considering we planted our very starting time plants upwards on the land!  If y'all want to follow along with when we constitute, you can discover information technology on the seed agenda.

Nosotros're slowly adjusting to the new seed schedule for Zone 5A.  It feels similar we're planting late since nosotros're so used to NYC Zone 6B.  This is all going to be a learning experience to figure out when we should plant, probably with some heart break thrown in.    We looked at tens of charts to figure out when was best, and decided to accept a chance and plant our more hardy plants that could survive the cold nights.

So on Saturday we planted sugar snap peas, onions, kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts, collards and lettuce!

And before I go whatever further, here's a time lapse of the first bed being prepared and the plants going in!  High 5! (I'yard wearied)
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

We had lots of plants to get planted in one twenty-four hours.  Right now there's so much to do on the state and then we tried to stay equally focused as possible to get them all planted.   We were coming back to NYC after planting, so we knew nosotros had to get them in the basis.

Here's the plants, all grow from seed, under our DIY abound light stand.
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

We had a print out of our garden layout that we tried to stay true to.  Unfortunately there was only time to go 2 boxes prepared instead of 3, so nosotros had to reorganize the plants a little chip.
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Once the boxes were prepared (I'll be doing a whole postal service on that before long), and then information technology was time to plant.

Kickoff the onions…..!
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Then the Sugar Snap Peas!
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

At that place's 150 plants – oh my oh my!
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Now on to the plants!
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Lots of lettuce.  Arugula will be planted for Summertime.
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Cute infant cabbage plants.
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

So much kale.
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

And Brussels Sprouts! If they abound I volition be ecstatic!
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

One time everything was planted, nosotros wanted to add hoops on to the boxes to protect them from the outside for the first week.   We e'er practise this on the roof as it's a scrap of a shock to the plants with wind, sun, rain, etc.
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

After that, we added our tried and tested fabric to the hoops.  Now the plants are all protected and snuggled in.Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

Mr. Turtle sits in between the boxes to protect them.
Watch as we we plant onions, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, kale and more in the garden! All plants started from seeds.

By the fashion, did you like your sneek peek at the fence? Yeah, it'due south almost all done.  Nosotros just need to get it painted next!

What are yous growing? Have you lot begun?  Let me know in the comments!


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